Coming soon: A Holistic Approach to Healing from Eating Disorders and Self-shame group coaching Beta Launch.

Contact me directly to get on the waitlist to be notified as soon as the launch starts this fall/winter.

Come Home to YourSelf

Trauma informed life transformations.

Overcome depression, stuckness, overwhelm, anxiety and disordered eating patterns, so that you can step into your full power and live the life you were meant to be living: one filled with joy and fulfillment.

Healing your trauma creates inner freedom.

Imagine a life where stress and overwhelm no longer control you, where you feel confident and empowered, and where past traumas and disordered eating patterns no longer hold you back. This is not just a dream—it's a possibility waiting for you. You deserve a life that feels light, fulfilling, and balanced.

As your coach, I’m here to help you transform this vision into reality. I specialize in guiding you through managing stress, enhancing self-esteem, and healing from disordered eating and past trauma. Together, we’ll uncover what’s truly possible for you and create a personalized path to a more vibrant, harmonious life. My approach is designed to support you in every step of this journey, ensuring that you feel more connected to yourself, your potential and more aligned with the life you want to live.

Ready to experience a life that feels truly fulfilling and balanced? Book a call with me today and let’s explore how we can bring this vision to life. Your journey to a lighter, more joyful existence starts now.

You cannot erase memories but you can let go of the heavy energy attached to them.

– Yung Pueblo

Sarah’s Ponderings

Sarah’s Ponderings is a personal blog-like space where I’m sharing my perspective, insights and ponderings on life, healing and the crazy life as a human being on this earth. It’s personal. It’s raw. It’s honest. And it’s all about the vulnerable human experience we all share together.

It is when we shine a light on our darkest parts within, that we will start to heal our wounds and reconnect with who we were meant to be all along.

Sarah Kartika


Sarah is a wise, cheerful and loving coach who truly embodies her work and shows the way to happiness, fun and childlike playfulness!

I’ve met countless of mentors and coaches over the years and I can confidently say that Sarah is one of those ‘rare to find ones’ who not only shares her message & wisdom with the world but also DOES the inner work and shows up in integrity with her words!

There is so much to learn from her and by simply being in her presence can be life changing! 🤩🤩 I HIGHLY recommend for anyone who is calling in mentorship in her life is to work with Sarah!

Lilla T.

Describing Sarah’s course is simple. Spectacular!

Her shadow work meditation to this day remains my favourite.

Tari M.

I learned to expand my capacity to hold intense feelings and I now feel less overwhelmed and more confident as a result.

And I intuitively started to implement those tools with my toddler who would regularly lash out with intense emotions and I struggled to calm him down. Using these tools has helped him calm down quickly, created more trust, connection and shifted our relationship entirely for the better!

P.G. (Mother of a 4-year old child)

I felt very good after our session.

I noticed that on the following days I felt more lightness and flow in my work. One of the key insights was that the part within me first and foremost needed my attention, validation and care before getting it from outside and this embodied realization created more confidence and calmness.

Emanuela C.

Working with Sarah was an absolute life changer for me.

All my life I suffered from the relationship with my mother, a pain that I carried into all of my relationships, a trauma that had a huge influence on my self-worth, my confidence and my life in general. During the guided inner child meditation with Sarah, I was able to connect to my own little girl, I was just a little older than a toddler, just when my sister was born and I connected with this trauma that was so deeply stuck inside of me. In one session, Sarah enabled me to change something within me drastically. I was able to find a love and care for myself and nurture this child with all my love, which was an enormous liberation. It changed my whole relationship to myself, to my inner child, and to my mother. I could see how my mother’s actions were never directly related to me, and I was able to change these experiences for myself, which has had a profound, absolute magical impact on the relationship to myself I have today. Sarah is incredible. Her guidance is so soft, safe, an absolute delight and what she is able to help you transform in such a short time is wonderful.

Tania W.

Ich war sehr gut aufgehoben bei Sarah.

Es war mein erster Online Kurs über Self Love und ich war neugierig aber hatte keine Ahnung was mich erwartet. Der dreitägige Kurs (2 Stunden pro Tag) war eine ausbalancierte Mischung aus Selbstreflexion, Information und Diskussion. Sarah hat uns mit ihrer Offenheit und Herzlichkeit warm empfangen und einen Raum der Perspektivenerweiterung geschaffen. Was ich besonders geschätzt habe, ist, dass man nicht gewertet und auf keiner Weise unter Druck gesetzt wurde, sondern man konnte einfach dabei sein und so viel beitragen wie einem wohl war. Ich war definitiv sehr gut aufgehoben bei Sarah und den anderen Kursteilnehmern.

Angela S.