60 Minutes Coaching Session

This is a 60 mins parts work and inner child healing oriented coaching session where we will work on a topic that is most relevant to you and your healing.

My focus is to help you access more self-awareness and healing through discovering your internal system of burdened parts, beliefs and younger wounded parts within you. I will help you access your own loving and compassionate Self – your inner healer, who has the ability to heal your wounded parts and liberate your burdened parts.

Whilst I mostly use IFS and parts work modalities, if needed I might apply somatic exercises and nervous system regulation tools and a holistic approach through incorporating certain foods or supplements to support your body and mind.

You will leave the session with more understanding and compassion for all your parts – which is the foundation of self-love and self-trust – and (if your inner system allows in one 60 minutes session) with some parts healed and unburdened from trauma, so that you can truly live free from the shackles of your past.

The session will be held on Zoom.

Languages: English or (Swiss) German

Duration: 60mins

Price: 120 CHF

90 Minutes Healing Session

This 90 mins Healing Session will provide the same framework as the 60 minutes Coaching Session. However, we are able to go deeper in one session, because we have more time to map your inner system and to work with all the parts within you that show concern towards accessing deeper layers of awareness of our younger wounded parts.

If you feel like you have strong protector parts within you that seem very stubborn to allow you to feel and access the pain of your younger wounded parts, this might be a better option to help them relax and trust the process of healing. Some systems need more time, and this option is exactly meant for those who need just that.

It is also a good option for anyone new to this healing modality (it gives us more time to map your inner system = more understanding for yourself and the parts within you) or for anyone who have many things going on that they want to work on and heal.

You will leave the session with more understanding and compassion for all your parts – which is the foundation of self-love and self-trust – and (if your inner system allows in one 90 minutes session) with some parts healed and unburdened from trauma, so that you can truly live free from the shackles of your past.

The session will be held on Zoom.

Languages: English or (Swiss) German

Duration: 90 mins

Price: 180 CHF

Coaching Package

Book a package of five 60 minutes coaching sessions and save money. If you prefer 120mins sessions, we can schedule two 60 mins sessions back to back in one sitting.

Package Price: 520 CHF

(Value for five 60 minutes sessions without the package: 600 CHF)

1 on 1 Guided Inner Child Healing Meditation

In this 45-minute session I will guide you through a powerful shadow work and inner child healing meditation. We will dive deep into one specific trigger in order to find the root cause of it and heal it – all whilst staying connected to our inner strength. This is to this day one of my favorite practices – which I also use in my regular coaching sessions when needed.

The root cause for so much psychological (and even physical) ailments can most often be tracked back to our early childhood. The beliefs and protective behaviors that we’ve learned or needed to learn in order to adapt to a less than favorable situation back then (also called trauma), can hold us back in certain areas of our lives or over-compensate in other areas – making us suffer.

In this meditation we unburden and heal the wounded inner child within us, so we can meet life with more ease, courage, compassion and authenticity.

The session will be held on Zoom.

Languages: English or (Swiss) German

Duration: 45mins

Price: 110 CHF

We can find true healing when we embrace all parts of ourselves.

Curious but not sure if I’m the right coach for you?

Are you interested but some parts within you are concerned wether we’re a good fit? Do not hesitate to book a free 20 minutes get to know each other coaching call and clear up some questions and uncertainties.