The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain.
— Gabor Maté

Hi, I’m Sarah Kartika.

I’m a certified Health Coach and Somatic Parts Work Practitioner, trained in Nervous System Regulation, and currently deepening my expertise in Internal Family Systems Therapy.

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or battling anxiety, depression, or disordered eating, I’m here to guide you toward lasting transformation. Imagine stepping into your full power and living a life brimming with joy and fulfillment—the life you were always meant to lead.

My own journey of healing from trauma, depression, loneliness, an eating disorder, and burnout has equipped me with the tools and empathy to truly understand and support you. I’ve been where you are, and I know the way out. Through healing the root causes of these challenges, I discovered a deeper purpose: to help others find their way through life’s struggles with compassion and clarity.

In my coaching and courses, you’ll benefit from a unique blend of lived experience and professional training. My approach integrates nervous system regulation, Internal Family Systems (IFS) Parts Work, inner child healing, and holistic nutrition—all grounded in what I’ve learned and embodied throughout my own healing journey.

While I tailor my methods to meet your specific needs, everything we do together will be rooted in a deep respect for your inner system of wounded parts and your nervous system. I’m committed to creating a safe, nurturing environment where you can explore, heal, and grow. I firmly believe (and have witnessed many times with my clients and within myself) that even the most challenging parts, emotions, and thoughts carry positive intentions—they are here to protect and guide you, not harm you.

“There are no bad parts.”

In our work together, all aspects of you will be welcomed, witnessed, and loved. When we connect with your strong, compassionate Self—your inner healer—we can soften and heal even the most destructive parts, emotions, and thoughts.

This is what Coming Home to your Self is all about: healing and integrating the parts of you that were abandoned, nurturing your inner child, and stepping into the person you were always meant to be—YourSelf.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of transformation? Let’s take the first step together.

Much love and support,

Sarah Kartika

