We are in Relationship with Everything and Everyone

"We are all one."

You‘ve probably come across this phrase at some point.

We are not separate from each other – we are not seperate from ourselves. The way we treat ourselves, others and everything in life is having an impact. When we realize that we see that we cannot hurt others without hurting ourselves.

This implies that we are in relationship with everyone and everything and HOW we are in relationship with them is affecting our personal lives and the lives of others.

We are in relationship with everything and everyone in our lives.

We are in relationship with ourselves and with parts on ourselves.

The way you think about yourself/parts of yourself and talk to yourself/parts of yourself sets the tone for the relationship you have with yourself and the different parts within yourself. Do you treat yourself with love, respect and acceptance? Or are you wishing parts of you into exile, constantly criticizing or abandoning yourself/parts of yourself?

We are in relationship with our feelings and emotions.

Do you give your emotions and feelings space? Which emotions do you accept and which ones do you judge as bad and push them away? The way you treat each and every emotion/feelig sets the tone for the relationship you have with them (and you!) – is it loving/accepting or not? The more we push them away the more they will scream for our attention.

We are in relationship with our bodies.

Do you give your body the nutrition it needs to thrive? The rest it needs? The movement it wants? Or are you pushing your body to the brink of exhaution, malnourishment, illness? Your body is such an amazing vessel that does everything for you to survive! How grateful and supportive are you treating your body?

We are in relationship with other human beings.

And with relationships I don‘t only mean the close relationships, but ALL human relationships. The unfriendly cashier at the counter, the man walking his dog greeting you friendly, your boss, etc. Are we meeting others with understanding, kindness and respect or judgment, disrespect, hate or fear? If we want to create a kinder world, we have to evaluate how we treat others and be the change we want to see.

We are in relationship with nature.

Nature is what gives us life! It‘s an ecosystem we‘re not separate of. If the ecosystem crashes, it will affect us humans as well! How are you treating the environment? Do you make an effort to honor what has created and sustained your life so far? How aware are you of pollution, mass extinction, deforestation, plastic and chemical pollution? What message does your daily habits send Nature – that you care about your relationship with her or not?

We are in relationship with money.

Do you see money as something evil or as something that allows you freedom? Are you scared of money? Do you take it for granted? Do you feel like there‘s never enough money? Do you take care of your finances regularly? Taking care of money is nothing else like taking care of a friendship – the less you take care of it and the less you trust it, the worse your relation- ship with it will be and it won‘t like staying around you much.

We are in relationship with the things we own.

Ever watched/read Marie Kondo‘s show/books? She‘s all about which things you have spark joy or not. Just like with friendships: Keep the ones that spark you joy (and are good for you)! But also: how do you treat your phone/computer/things in general? Caring is a way of showing appreciation: The more care you give them, the more gratitude and appreciation and happiness you also create for yourself.

We are in relationship with ____________ . .

Realizing we‘re in relationship with everything and everyone (including ourselves) doesn‘t mean we now have to be the perfect exemplary human and doing everything right, but it allows us to shift our perception and find more appreciation and gratitude for what we have in life and how it supports us (or not, that‘s when we kindly let go of them). And from a place of gratitude and care we can move forward into aligned action when we‘re ready.

Much love and support,



How I got into Shadow Work and Inner Child Healing


How to Forgive