The Quickest Way to Self-Love

One of the quickest ways to find more fulfillment and happiness in your life is just by simply doing what you love. It is as simple as that. Doing something you love is a way to honor and care for yourself. It’s a way of giving yourself love. 

Make it a priority to carve out some time during the day or the week just for the sake of doing something you enjoy. If your life seems too busy for that, ask yourself what responsibility you can delegate to someone else or what in your day/week doesn’t feel good or simply isn’t really important and then go and cancel those things. Start with only 5 minutes per day, if that’s all the time you can “afford” to spend right now on your joy and then work your way up.

But what if I don’t know what I enjoy doing?

Well, what did you love to do when you were a little child? Often we stop doing a lot of things we loved to do when we were little and we sometimes even completely forget about them. To find out what made you feel happy back then you can simply put your hand on your heart and ask your inner child what it loves to do. Write them down and make a list – I bet there will be a few things showing up that you can do as a grown up (no, you don’t necessarily have to play with dolls anymore ;-) ). I promise your inner child will light up in pure joy if you do some of those things.

If you feel completely lost it might be time to try out new things. Try to approach life with the curiosity of a child and notice how certain things make you feel. Take note and list the things that felt good (or better than awful if you’re currently in a really dark place). Maybe it’s just the very little things, like a bath that feels calming and relaxing, or a piece of chocolate that melts on your tongue, or a certain art/music piece. Every little thing counts and baby steps are steps too!

Last but not least you can ask yourself What would someone who loves themselves do? Your intuition will answer within milliseconds, so don’t try to figure it out with your mind but let the wisdom come forth from your heart. See what comes up for you and then go do it.

Much love and support,



How Do You Treat Yourself?